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Ma Prem Vimal Achalam
"I would like much for you. I would like you to
bloom, I would like you to live an exceptional life, drown in that ocean..." - Master, Day 15 of the 21 Days Sadhana
Ma Prem Sarvaprana
An exeprt from the
recent talk shook me to the core, rattled that piece loose ..... I so needed
this, needed to hear this, need to get the impact of this ..... thank-you
MASTER I bow with everything and in all ways, I BOW
The talk about
....... a bout rising to our own creation about risinng to our
own responsibility and what is that that I cannot forsake and about bowing to
this that I simply cannot forsake
If you
can't understand responsibilty
can't understand creation
is living in a way some how to throw their
The more
responsibility comes, they feel like they are
And them
fighting their own ability to create and to live in their
Is their
original problem in their life
Ma Prem Ananda Shrubini (Anita)
"Only a disciple can enter the Master's truth, not by the mind but by just being with him, by being in satsang with him, just to be one with the truth he is, without an idea of separation." MDV Avadhuta Gita Ch.2
Ma Prem Dhyana Sugartha @ Deanne
Happy Birthday Beloved Master! Much love and many blessings to you and your family! May All come to its highest fulfillment! Have a wonderful year filled with Love, laughter, enjoyment and fun! Thank you for being the blessing of light for all.